Vajuta pealkirja lõpus olevat noolt, et näha EMTA postitust sel teemal.
Armas oli lugeda EMTA-poolset kirjeldust auhindade saamisloost. Tänan koostöö eest!
Vajuta pealkirja lõpus olevat noolt, et näha EMTA postitust sel teemal.
Armas oli lugeda EMTA-poolset kirjeldust auhindade saamisloost. Tänan koostöö eest!
Juulis 2017 sain häid uudiseid: PRIA Leader meetme kaudu sai minu firma Serene OÜ toetust uue klaasikunsti stuudiomaja ehituseks ja ka kahe seadme ostuks. Suur tänu Põlvamaa Partnerluskogule, kes hindas minu projekti elujõuliseks ja PRIAle, kes otsusele rahalise toe andis.
Stuudiomaja on valmimas Põlvamaal, arvatavasti juba mais-juunis 2018 võib külla tulla! Siis täpsem teavitus ka siinsamas kodulehel STUDIO all.
Interview about my current commission work: EFTA Awards (Estonian Film and Television Awards).
The arrow in the title leads you to the video. My part starts at 30:34
In the end of 2015, I got wonderful news about being selected to artist's residency in The Glass Furnace Istanbul, Turkey. The residency itself took place in February 2016, for 4 weeks. Great time!
Mould + glass
Finally I can show you my proposal for HUS competition.
I am very grateful to Larissa Kondina, who is wonderful person and professional to work with!
It was the first time for me to make my idea visible in collaboration with 3D visualizer. The whole process – starting in winter with finding and working on my idea, then continuing in cooperation with Larissa, until final printing of posters – was exciting and intense.
Author: Eeva Käsper
3D visualization: Larissa Kondina
Please look at the whole project HERE
I a m very happy to announce I was invited to take part of the art competition for environmental artwork on the central rock of the Meilahti hospital area. Only 10 artist from 4 countries were invited (6 from Finland, 2 from Sweden, 1 from Estonia, 1 from Latvia).
The purpose of the competition is to create an internationally significant piece or set of environmental artworks in the area, in order to bring life to the hospital grounds and to improve the aesthetic impression of the architectural environment.
The work must pay sufficient attention to conserving the natural state of the grounds, making them a park-like area where hospital customers and visitors can spend time.
The competition deadline is Friday, 29 May 2015. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!
More info here